Monday, September 24, 2007

This is the first time I've studied postmodernism, so I thought Lyotard's ideas of the "breaking up of the grand Narratives" were particularly interesting in this weeks readings.

Lyotard says "economic 'redeployment' in the current phase of capitalism, aided by a shift in techniques and technology, goes hand in hand with a change in the function of the State...functions of regulation, and therefore of reporduction, are being and will be further withdrawn from administrators and entrusted to mcahines" (14). I interpreted this as Lyotard saying due to cybernetics and the rise of the information age, there is no longer faith in the "grand Narratives," or I guess the metanarrative, because one can no longer identify "with the great names, the heroes of contemporary history" (14). So in a sense, metanarratives no longer exist or are valid because we live on smaller narratives that get defined and created by new information and technology and the circulation of these things. However, what I don't understand is, why is this a complete dismissal of the "grand Narrative?" Can't this complete idea be seen as a metanarrative in itself? Couldn't there, in the future, be a post-postmodern way of life that would just make Lyotard's postmodernism another metanarrative in history? Or am I interpretting all of this the wrong way...

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