In our reading
this week I was reminded of Jameson’s delineation of the most pressing issue
confronting Marxism ‘today’ (in his here and now of 1988): ‘It is, as well,
supremely social and cultural, involving the task of trying to imagine how a
society without hierarchy, a society of free people, a society that has at once
repudiated the economic mechanisms of the market, can possible cohere’(355).
This necessity of cohesion and solidified groupings to maintain societal
stability grounds Anderson’s narrative of the shifting of this demarcating
force. The imaginative communities produced within nationalism fills the place
holder left absent by divine and monarchical authority with the possibility for
horizontal allegiance. Marxism not only has to operate within this new world
order of nationalism (there is no outside) but also needs its imaginary faculty
to enmesh its comrades.
I wonder how the
fundamental role of pilgrimage in the production of imagined communities (from
religious to educational) has shifted with the proliferation of networks that
collapse distance. Even Anderson’s description of the colonial school-system,
though implemented for the self-preservation of imperialism, enables a
splintering of allegiance and cohesion not produced previously. ‘The expansion
of the colonial state which, so to speak, invited ‘natives’ into schools and
offices, and of colonial capitalism which, as it were, excluded them from
boardrooms, meant that to an unprecedented extent the key early spokesmen for
colonial nationalism were lonely, bilingual intelligentsias unattached to study
local bourgeoisies’ (140). It was access to labor, rather than educational
institutions which perpetuated productions of nationalism. Is this access to
labor related to our access to networks in our contemporary technological
pilgrimages? Is the term pilgrimages even productive here? Can the Birthers as threatened by the
multiplicity of allegiances and loyalties demonstrated by President Obama’s 'suspicious origin', be likened to Jameson’s scizophrenic subject – does the
muddling of our own national identities through network proliferation detract
from our potential for cohesion? When are allegiances at odds?
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