This week I
read an article where the author examines what she calls “capitalistic homesteading”
- the growing practice of young urban middle class to try their hand at
everything from raising chickens for eggs, to canning. The author Marianne
Kirby advises the growing group of hipster homesteaders to not take for granted
the value of homesteading, and looks on people who get sucked into it with a
disparaging gaze. Though I think she overgeneralizes people’s intentions she
does raise some very relevant points, that I couldn’t help but connect to the chapter
A History of Weediness from Terranova’s book. On a most basic level this
chapter focusses on the gaps of understanding created by generalizations, and
the micro cultures which populate these gaps. Moreover, she explores how the environment
of Hill people: “scattered bamboo houses sat by small swidden fields surrounded
by forest regrowth mixing into big forest” (Tsing, 174) was viewed by untrained
outsiders as ‘natural’ forest. As Kirby points out homesteading, historically
lives in a similar knowledge gap, and it’s current popoularity reflects this historical
blindness. The Urban Homestead Project spearheads the hip new face of homesteading
(they even strongly encourage that unaffiliated websites don’t use the phrase
urban homesteading –through cease and desist letters) however this action
covers up the fact that people never stopped homesteading in the city. However
often these homesteaders, many of the people who actually preserved this knowledge
often did so for subsistence rather than appearance and so often hid their
operations. Tsing says of the hill people “These are people whose
distinctiveness had everything to do with staying out of the way: evading
government authority in it’s various forms (Tsing, 174) one of the comments on
the article elucidates the connection I see “Two Steps forward one step back… Getting
a practice into the legal realm makes it visible and subject to regulation”
(from mortycore, Dec 4th); much of homesteading’s actual survival
utility is slipping away though regulation (the remaining illegaliy of keeping
roosters, thus forcing you to buy a group of hens, and keeping the means of
production slim), just as much of the understandings that the Meratus Dayaks
possess is being thrown away for a system which fits more neatly into a
capitalist production based society.
The shifting
use of homesteading towards hipness is especially evident in the case of Denise
Morrison whose garden was forcibly removed by city officials as they claimed it
didn’t meet city ordinances. Now I don’t know what specific violations the city
cited but they did remove a garden of over 100 plants for food and medicine. This
begs the question, is it more that humans are unable to address knowledge
gaps - specifically ones which delineate
the division between natural and man-made –or more that they are unwilling to
accept the broad grey area which exists in between. However there is another
important gap to consider “[the] gap between subsistence and market oriented
economies… products go in and out of market value, but residents continue to
appreciate them as landscape features because of their local, subsistence uses.”
(Tsing, 184) however this is at a stark contrast with urban homesteading - these products do not exist as a landscape feature,
they must be specifically cultivated, and even when the market value is high
there is virtually always another source for any material in a city, and when
individuals turn to this type of farming out of monetary need, the money they
can make from it is in all likelihood not sufficient. No, the products of
homesteading for the most part are not where the actual value lies, the money
to be made is in the necessary materials: chicken coups, canning supplies, and
the like. As the article notes, when the demand for something grows, it’s market
value rises, leaving those who actually rely on homesteading practices in a bad
article referenced:
article referenced:
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