Monday, December 3, 2012


during the climate modelling class i thought of a fun problem which is a little relevant again:
an all-inclusive model which would have to take itself into account.
this would create an infinite loop where each nested instantiation would consider its own effect.  This is the scientific impossibility of predicting the future.  In myth, one can know the future only if they cannot change it (oedipus).
But my question: is climate change still something that has to be modeled?  In nyc it hailed in the summer, hurricane'd in the winter, and so far this December it's been almost 60 degrees everyday.

That's (part of) why i appreciated tsing's generally lucid analyses.  Go fun europeans who recognize their trades' status as political/social(/environmental) (her model/climate change talk exists in the limbo pages of 70-100)

Two other tidbits:

Was the idea of "social Darwinism", ie "survival of the fittest" in society (the marketplace) derived from a theory drawn from an impartial observation/modelling of nature?  Or vice-versa: Darwin took his ideas from the capitalist market?  Probably the latter- Darwin's thought was very much informed by the industrializing England, and became a major link in a tragic feedback cycle (although also became influential/admirable in other spheres).  Im no expert but i hear that contemporary evolutionary biology makes far more compelling arguments for the necessity of cross-specie cooperation for survival in the primordial morass etc.


Capital can move freely; labor cannot.  The naturalized bias of half-global capitalism.
 Capital can move more than freely: gov't incentives, subsidies, a company's threatening local gov't: "then i'll take these jobs elsewhere"

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